Make a Booking

Book your accommodation today and ignite the thrill of discovery.

Booking Rates Overview

Embark on a journey of discovery and luxury with our selection of captivating destinations. Find the perfect escape and prepare for an unforgettable experience.

Camp Savuti

Immerse yourself in the unparalleled beauty of Camp Savuti. Secure your stay today and start your adventure.

Starts from


Camp Linyanti

Venture into the serene wilderness of Camp Linyanti. Reserve your spot now for a journey you'll never forget.

Starts from


Crocodile Camp

Experience the epitome of luxury with a touch of African elegance at Crocodile Camp. Book your stay today.

Starts from



Prepare for an extraordinary camping adventure with SKL Campsites. Reserve your site now.

Starts from


pp per night

Plan Your Next Adventure

Dive into the heart of the wild and discover an unparalleled blend of luxury

and nature.